Gathering of the 12
refreshed. refocused. realigned.
2021 Gathering of the 12 was a weekend of intimacy, worship and fellowship. Friday night we enjoyed the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit as we learned how to meditate and sit quietly in His presence and focus on Him. We learned the importance of self-care through stillness. Matthew 22:39 says,..."Love your neighbor as yourself". In this season, as women, we are being intentional about getting refreshed, refocused and realigned so we can love from a full cup, rather than an empty one.
soul Care

Apostle Valarie Cunningham spent the weekend ministering at Faith Praise and Worship Ministries in North Carolina. In honor of their annual ministry celebration, she prophetically ministered to the intercessory team on Saturday and the ended the weekend with a powerful rhema word Sunday morning on soul care.